Friends, Contacts and everyone else:

Dylan, Grace & Ashley Salisbury

Dylan is my spiritual stronghold and fellow musician/Red Hot Chili Peppers freak, Grace is his superfunky wife and Ashley is their newest addition to their very nifty family.

Patrice Muller

 Patrice is a fellow retro-computing enthusiast and a very serious collector of Atari products.


Archive of Strange Deaths.

A very interesting site run by one of my pals in the U.K. I highly recommend checking it out!

The world's largest online Atari resource and quite a fun place to poke around in.

The search engine that doesn't suck!

The world's greatest gnutellanet agent. Download it now and support free data exchange!

Do your part to research extraterrestrial intelligence from your computer at home or at work!

Do I really need to say it again?

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